sexta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2011

American Football.

It is said that emerged during a football game between Harvard University and Yale University. 
The problem is that the teams played differently: while one was playing with the rules of rugby, played with the other style next to the football. Intending to an agreement, Yale assimilated the rules of rugby and Harvard, how to run with the ball. The first organization of the sport was the Intercollegiate Football Association, composed by the universities of Harvard, Yale, Columbia and Princeton, and that the institution has elected to follow the rules of rugby, but with differentiation in the score.

Where it is played:
The game is played on a field, which can be natural grass or artificial, with footage of 91.44 meters long and 48.76 meters wide. The division of the field is given in yards, five zones are 20 yards each. The proximity of the goal area is called the end zone, and measures 10 yards on each side of the field. The location of the scoring is Y-shaped, secured by a bar ten feet off the ground.The beams have a distance between them of 5.63 meters. The ball is made of the same type of leather used for basketball. Its weight varies from 200 to 400 grams and measures 30 inches long by 18 wide.

The rules of football are very different for us. The game is divided into four times of 15 minutes. Play the game, two teams with 11 players each, so that only one player has the function of the attack and all other play defending.
The game begins when one team kicks the ball toward the opponent, 35-yard line. Ten yards should be covered before any player touches the ball. A basic rule is that whenever a team scores, it is she who gives a new kick to restart the game. With the ball in play, only the player with the ball is that it can be overthrown, but the defensive players are allowed to hold the attack. The opposite is not allowed: attacking players can not handle the defense. The advance team toward the opponent is made from four chances to move. When this is achieved by the team, he won four more opportunities to reach the opposing end zone and score a touchdown.
Finally, it is worth remembering that the score is not unique. What does it mean that there are five different chances of a team score, and the way he can achieve your goal influences the amount of points as the team accumulates:
a) The touchdown equals six points and occurs when a player reaches the finish line with ball in hand or touches the ball on that line;
b) The extrapoint happens after touchdown or when a player kicks the ball between the posts, which is worth one point, or trying to make a new touchdown, worth two points;
c) The drop-kick is worth 3 points, and occurs when the ball is kicked in the middle of the game, so between the beams;
d) if the attack does not achieve the 10 yards in three chances, and if the end zone is not far away, the attack can choose to kick through the goalposts, the bid features field goal, and also worth three points;
e) the last way is to mark the opponent's mistake: when the attacker with the ball is knocked behind the goal line, which gives 2 points for the opponent.

• Helmet.
• mouth guard.
• Shoulder Pad.
• Rib Protector.
• Black Plate.
• Elastic Pants.
• Guards thigh, hip and knee.
• Glove.
• Half.
• Boot.
• Training Shirt.
• Shirt Game.

Bruna Gêda  Nº02
Gabriela da Costa Nº03

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